34 research outputs found

    Measurement-Based Automatic Parameterization of a Virtual Acoustic Room Model

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    Modernien auralisaatiotekniikoiden ansiosta kuulokkeilla voidaan tuottaa kuuntelukokemus, joka muistuttaa useimpien äänitteiden tuotannossa oletettua kaiutinkuuntelua. Huoneakustinen mallinnus on tärkeä osa toimivaa auralisaatiojärjestelmää. Huonemallinnuksen parametrien määrittäminen vaatii kuitenkin ammattitaitoa ja aikaa. Tässä työssä kehitetään järjestelmä parametrien automaattiseksi määrittämiseksi huoneakustisten mittausten perusteella. Parametrisaatio perustuu mikrofoniryhmällä mitattuihin huoneen impulssivasteisiin ja voidaan jakaa kahteen osaan: suoran äänen ja aikaisten heijastusten analyysiin sekä jälkikaiunnan analyysiin. Suorat äänet erotellaan impulssivasteista erilaisia signaalinkäsittelytekniikoita käyttäen ja niitä hyödynnetään heijastuksia etsivässä algoritmissa. Äänilähteet ja heijastuksia vastaavat kuvalähteet paikannetaan saapumisaikaeroon perustuvalla paikannusmenetelmällä ja taajuusriippuvat etenemistien vaikutukset arvioidaan kuvalähdemallissa käyttöä varten. Auralisaation jälkikaiunta on toteutettu takaisinkytkevällä viiveverkostomallilla. Sen parametrisointi vaatii taajuusriippuvan jälkikaiunta-ajan ja jälkikaiunnan taajuusvasteen määrittämistä. Normalisoitua kaikutiheyttä käytetään jälkikaiunnan alkamisajan löytämiseen mittauksista ja simuloidun jälkikaiunnan alkamisajan asettamiseen. Jälkikaiunta-aikojen määrittämisessä hyödynnetään energy decay relief -metodia. Kuuntelukokeiden perusteella automaattinen parametrisaatiojärjestelmä tuottaa parempia tuloksia kuin parametrien asettaminen manuaalisesti huoneen summittaisten geometriatietojen pohjalta. Järjestelmässä on ongelmia erityisesti jälkikaiunnan ekvalisoinnissa, mutta käytettyihin suhteellisen yksinkertaisiin tekniikoihin nähden järjestelmä toimii hyvin.Modern auralization techniques enable making the headphone listening experience similar to the experience of listening with loudspeakers, which is the reproduction method most content is made to be listened with. Room acoustic modeling is an essential part of a plausible auralization system. Specifying the parameters for room modeling requires expertise and time. In this thesis, a system is developed for automatic analysis of the parameters from room acoustic measurements. The parameterization is based on room impulse responses measured with a microphone array and can be divided into two parts: the analysis of the direct sound and early reflections, and the analysis of the late reverberation. The direct sounds are separated from the impulse responses using various signal processing techniques and used in the matching pursuit algorithm to find the reflections in the impulse responses. The sound sources and their reflection images are localized using time difference of arrival -based localization and frequency-dependent propagation path effects are estimated for use in an image source model. The late reverberation of the auralization is implemented using a feedback delay network. Its parameterization requires the analysis of the frequency-dependent reverberation time and frequency response of the late reverberation. Normalized echo density is used to determine the beginning of the late reverberation in the measurements and to set the starting point of the modeled late field. The reverberation times are analyzed using the energy decay relief. A formal listening test shows that the automatic parameterization system outperforms parameters set manually based on approximate geometrical data. Problems remain especially in the precision of the late reverberation equalization but the system works well considering the relative simplicity of the processing methods used

    NMDS plots of locality and species scores.

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    <p>(A) plot by species, (B) plot by localities. Symbols denote depth ranges of species (A) or localities (B).</p

    Ordination species score plots for all four ordinations types.

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    <p>(A) PCoA (Axis 1 = 18%, Axis 2 = 12%), (B) CA (principal inertias CA1 = 51%, CA2 = 49%), (C) DCA, (D) NMDS (stress 0.19). Symbols in (A), top right, denote depth ranges.</p

    Reduced major axis regression of locality depth and Axis 1 locality scores for four types of ordinations.

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    <p>(A) Principal Coordinates Analysis, (B) Correspondence Analysis, (C) Detrended Correspondence Analysis, (D) Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling.</p

    Effects of geographic scaling.

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    <p>NMDS locality score plots and corresponding reduced major axis regressions between Axis 1 locality scores and depth for: (A–B) the entire study area (stress 0.2), (C–D) open ocean localities only (stress 0.2), (E–F) a small onshore-offshore gradient (stress 0.17). Symbols in NMDS plots denote depth ranges (reversed triangle = 0–5 m, filled circle = 6–10 m, inverted triangle = 11–15 m, cross = 16–20 m).</p

    Supplemental Text, Tables and Figures from Surrogate taxa and fossils as reliable proxies of spatial biodiversity patterns in marine benthic communities

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    Rigorous documentation of spatial heterogeneity (β-diversity) in present-day and preindustrial ecosystems is required to assess how marine communities respond to environmental and anthropogenic drivers. However, the overwhelming majority of contemporary and palaeontological assessments have centred on single higher taxa. To evaluate the validity of single taxa as community surrogates and palaeontological proxies, we compared macrobenthic communities and sympatric death assemblages at 52 localities in Onslow Bay (NC, USA). Compositional heterogeneity did not differ significantly across datasets based on live molluscs, live non-molluscs, and all live organisms. Death assemblages were less heterogeneous spatially, likely reflecting homogenization by time-averaging. Nevertheless, live and dead datasets were greater than 80% congruent in pairwise comparisons to the literature estimates of β-diversity in other marine ecosystems, yielded concordant bathymetric gradients, and produced nearly identical ordinations consistently delineating habitats. Congruent estimates from molluscs and non-molluscs suggest that single groups can serve as reliable community proxies. High spatial fidelity of death assemblages supports the emerging paradigm of Conservation Palaeobiology. Integrated analyses of ecological and palaeontological data based on surrogate taxa can quantify anthropogenic changes in marine ecosystems and advance our understanding of spatial and temporal aspects of biodiversity

    Confidence intervals for correlation coefficients.

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    <p>Confidence intervals for correlation coefficients.</p

    Supplemental Text, Tables and Figures from Surrogate taxa and fossils as reliable proxies of spatial biodiversity patterns in marine benthic communities

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    Rigorous documentation of spatial heterogeneity (β-diversity) in present-day and preindustrial ecosystems is required to assess how marine communities respond to environmental and anthropogenic drivers. However, the overwhelming majority of contemporary and palaeontological assessments have centred on single higher taxa. To evaluate the validity of single taxa as community surrogates and palaeontological proxies, we compared macrobenthic communities and sympatric death assemblages at 52 localities in Onslow Bay (NC, USA). Compositional heterogeneity did not differ significantly across datasets based on live molluscs, live non-molluscs, and all live organisms. Death assemblages were less heterogeneous spatially, likely reflecting homogenization by time-averaging. Nevertheless, live and dead datasets were greater than 80% congruent in pairwise comparisons to the literature estimates of β-diversity in other marine ecosystems, yielded concordant bathymetric gradients, and produced nearly identical ordinations consistently delineating habitats. Congruent estimates from molluscs and non-molluscs suggest that single groups can serve as reliable community proxies. High spatial fidelity of death assemblages supports the emerging paradigm of Conservation Palaeobiology. Integrated analyses of ecological and palaeontological data based on surrogate taxa can quantify anthropogenic changes in marine ecosystems and advance our understanding of spatial and temporal aspects of biodiversity

    Utility of Marine Benthic Associations as a Multivariate Proxy of Paleobathymetry: A Direct Test from Recent Coastal Ecosystems of North Carolina

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    <div><p>Benthic marine fossil associations have been used in paleontological studies as multivariate environmental proxies, with particular focus on their utility as water depth estimators. To test this approach directly, we evaluated modern marine invertebrate communities along an onshore-offshore gradient to determine the relationship between community composition and bathymetry, compare the performance of various ordination techniques, and assess whether restricting community datasets to preservable taxa (a proxy for paleontological data) and finer spatial scales diminishes the applicability of multivariate community data as an environmental proxy. Different indirect (unconstrained) ordination techniques (PCoA, CA, DCA, and NMDS) yielded consistent outcomes: locality Axis 1 scores correlated with actual locality depths, and taxon Axis 1 scores correlated with actual preferred taxon depths, indicating that changes in faunal associations primarily reflect bathymetry, or its environmental correlatives. For datasets restricted to taxa with preservable hard parts, heavily biomineralized mollusks, open ocean habitats, and a single onshore-offshore gradient, the significant correlation between water depth and Axis 1 was still observed. However, for these restricted datasets, the correlation between Axis 1 and bathymetry was reduced and, in most cases, notably weaker than estimates produced by subsampling models. Consistent with multiple paleontological studies, the direct tests carried out here for a modern habitat using known bathymetry suggests that multivariate proxies derived from marine benthic associations may serve as a viable proxy of water depth. The general applicability of multivariate paleocommunity data as an indirect proxy of bathymetry is dependent on habitat type, intrinsic ecological characteristics of dominant faunas, taxonomic scope, and spatial and temporal scales of analysis, highlighting the need for continued testing in present-day depositional settings.</p></div

    NMDS plot of species scores and preservation potential.

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    <p>Symbols denote relative preservation potential (4 = heavily biomineralized, 3 = fragile but skeletonized hard parts, 2 = some hard parts such as chitin, 1 = all soft parts). Note that species with various ranks of preservation potentials are distributed along the entire range of Axis 1.</p